5 Secrets to Embracing Aging

Denise Austin
by Denise Austin | 
Hi everyone! I love when I get asked questions about aging, because it's something that is happening to us every second of every day - and embracing it can make you that much happier and more content with the process! Like anyone, it took me a little time to get to the point of actually embracing aging, but let me tell you, once you do, you will never regret it. See below for some of my tips on how to really enjoy your life! 

Talk about it. Aging brings a unique set of changes, especially for us women. And times have changed, so talk about what is happening to you, physically, emotionally or otherwise. When it comes to menopause and all that comes with it - you are not alone!! Your friend group is bound to have women going through the same thing, and sharing and swapping tips can be so helpful.There are also so many books and podcasts about menopause and aging, so check those out too. The more you know, the more you can make sure you are taking care of yourself the best you can!

Be up for anything! Instead of saying "no," try saying YES! You can (and should!) pick and choose, but I found that trying new things can really make a day, week and even month that much better.

Make a list of goals, and plan them out. For empty nesters especially, this can be a great way to look forward to things. Having events on your calendar feels good, and gets you excited. Include both the small stuff (try a new restaurant, visit a museum) and big (family outings, or a fun trip) so you have plenty to focus on!

Mix up your workouts. As we get older, our energy levels and metabolism can wane... and now is the time to tackle that! Get out of your exercise rut and do something new. A new walking path, try bike riding, challenge yourself to do a new mini ab workout every day for a month... every bit counts! 

Add a creative endeavor to your lifestyle. It doesn't matter if you are a pro at it - just try it! Get out a piece of paper and draw something you see. Plant some fall flowers for an extra visual boost. Clean out your closet and look for ways to repurpose accessories you already own. Pick up a biography and learn something new. It all gives you conversation starters and will make you feel good!

Aging can be a wonderful time of life, so let's embrace it - TOGETHER! And for more Embracing Aging tips pick up my latest Fit Over 50: Fall Reset! Magazine that's on newsstands now... and check out my other posts in this series!

Embracing Aging: A Positive Attitude

Embracing Aging: Travel Tips

Embracing Aging - Staying Fit With Exercise

Embracing Aging - Age-Defying Secrets

Embracing Aging: Beauty Routine Suggestions

Embracing Aging:Foods For Young and Healthy Skin

Let's live FIT, HEALTHY, and HAPPY - together!
